A Drug Prevention Book
Sunny's Story
A Drug Prevention Story
Sunny’s Story is a compelling story for children, teenagers, parents, grandparents, and teachers written by Norwalk resident, Virginia “Ginger” Katz. Sunny’s Story tells of joyful times and sad times, and of how a dog’s best friend was needlessly lost. It is narrated through the eyes, ears and mind of Sunny, the family beagle. It is the ups and downs of life with his young master, beginning with their meeting at an animal shelter, and ending with a futile effort to ward off disaster.
Ginger Katz has brought new life to her message of empowering youth to be drug-free. The family dog and narrator, Sunny, is a keen and intelligent observer of damage done by alcohol and other drug use to his master, Ian. He tells a heartwarming, but tragic story that will make readers, young and old, think twice about choices being made every day. The book is for both young and old and the story of love, compassion, caring and understanding is universal.
Sunny's Story - A Drug Prevention Storybook

Gift Sunny's Story

Ian Eaccarino happy about soccer.

Ian Eaccarinio faithful at church.

Ian Eaccarino happy about soccer.